Pope & Young registers record book entries into biennial (two-year) recording periods that end on December 31st of even-numbered years. Shortly after the end of each biennium, the Club requests that several of the largest animals in each of the species categories be sent to a specified location for Biennium Panel Judging. Panel Judging is a process of verification of the final scores of antlers, horns and skulls of the highest ranking North American big game specimen entered during the respective two-year recording period. Panel Judging is an additional level of scrutiny and assurance that these top-end animals have all been measured under the same consistent standards. It is the final step in the chain of events designed to keep the Club’s recording system as accurate as possible.

A hand-picked team of highly knowledgeable and experienced certified measurers gather for the actual scoring.

ANY animal which ranks in the all-time top five for that category is required to be sent to panel judging, else it will be removed from the Records. Naturally, any animal (pending world's record) whose initial entry score exceeds the current World’s Records for that species must be presented for Panel Judging before being acknowledged as a new World’s Record.


Pope and Young Club Official Panel Measurer Application